Non-Tube Clocks: LED and other random clocks

by Cogwheel

Price: Free


Nixie Clock Screen Saver

One of the members of the Tube Clock Database Facebook Page shared a link to a nixie tube screen saver that he created.  I don't have a Windows computer to try it out on but if you've used it, let me know how it goes in the comments.

Download Screensaver

By John at



This has got to be one of the coolest watches I’ve seen in a while. It is quite a bit more advanced than the Nixie watch and, unlike the Tokyo Flash watches, the whole face is animated. The display plays a mini-pong game and the score represents the hours and the minutes. I don’t know what the battery life is like on this thing but even if it needed to be charged daily, it would be worth it! Check out the links below for more information. This is an amazing little gadget.


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Epoch Clock - By ThinkGeek (OEM unknown)

$39.99 /




I love this clock. It is nerdy on so many levels but manages to keep a good formal arrangement. Who says geeks can’t be designers?

The Epoch in this case refers to the Unix Epoch (AKA POSIX Time) of 00:00:00 UTC Jan 1, 1970. Basically, computers count time as an integer starting at that time. That integer is converted to HH MM SS by the computer and then displayed in a human readable format. This clock displays the raw vale for the time. Additionally, this clock can display time in hexadecimal, octal, binary or roman numeral formats. I still can’t read roman numerals so I don’t think I will be using that one too much….



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by Julien Bergignat



This is a neat watch concept by industrial designer Julien Bergignat. The display looks sharper than any e-ink based display I’ve come across but the strong formal elements in this rendering make up for any criticisms I can come up with :) Given the flexible nature of this medium, I don’t see why something like this would be difficult to produce. It is functiaonally a braclet with an e-ink display wrapped around it. If one with sufficient resolution can be produced for the hands, I think this woud be easily produced. If Esquire can do it - why not a watch manufacturer?

EDIT: has a better write up than I do. Check it out:

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