Jürgen just sent more photos for his updated Manuela clock. Be sure to click on Read More to view all of the photos. (This new design rocks!)
Links ...
... (clear)
The final PCB will be white and and hopefully the first kits will be for sale in the next few weeks. All of the images were provided by and are owned by NixieKits.eu - thanks for ...
This kit is provided by NixieKits.eu. Be sure to check out my full review here: http://www.tubeclockdb.com/vfd-clocks/190-review-nixiekitseu-iv-12.html Again, I want to give a big thanks to Jürgen ...
Here is a preview of my upcoming review of the IN-12 NixieClockKit Manuela from NixieKits.eu. I've only had a few hours to play with this one and I really like it.
14406942 ...
Price: €159 (kit) €199 (assembled w/LED option)
Here is a nice IN-12 Nixie clock that is sold as a kit or may be purchased fully assembled for 40 € more. One neat feature about this clock is ...
The Beginning
My introduction to the world of Nixie tubes and clocks was because of a Steampunk lamp I built for my daughter’s birthday seemed to lack something on it. It was no doubt an interesting ...
By Nocrotec.com and YanZeYuan 严泽远
Dieter Waechter and YanZeYuan 严泽远 have teamed up to bring us a nice looking kit based on the Chinese QS30-1 nixie tubes. This clock features many of the design elements ...
Jürgen from NixieKits.eu is working on a new design for a line level preamplifier. This new device will have the same footprint as his headphone amp and he has been kind enough to share the schematics ...
... the display staying in the same spot continuously. The Nixieclocks are "faders", which means when the numbers are changing, the number that's going is dimmed while the number that's coming is brightened. ...
Peter from Axiris.be clued me in to a software nixieclock that he made. It is a Windows / Linux piece of software that emulates a six digit nixie clock. If you don't want to bring your real nixie clock ...
KABtronics has an all transistor nixieclockkit for sale. It is still a work in progress but it looks to be nearly complete and a few kits are available for sale. This definitely looks like it would ...
Here is one more creation from the Nocrotec / NixieClocks.de team; this one is a clock based on the beautiful B-5853 tubes. The Burroughs tubes, in my opinion, are the nicest option available for tubes ...
Dieter Wächter of www.nocrotec.com and Claus Urbach of www.nixieclocks.de and www.clausurbach.de, worked together to develop this kit. Hopefully we can expect more from them in the future!
The kit ...
£69.95 / Kit
Pete from PV Electronics sent me a link to a really cool kit that he has been working on. It is a GPS nixieclock kit that is offered in IN-8-2 or IN-14 tubes. This is a killer ...
Okay, it has been a while since I’ve done a video review and taken lots of photos of a gadget so let’s jump right in. This is the Manuela_HR end view Nixieclock from NixieKits.eu and this little thing ...
Good news, everyone!
Michael Barille and Carl Ott have been working hard on a six digit B7971 nixieclock and it looks like they will be selling it as a kit and fully assembled. The kit will ...
Please Help!
NixieKits.eu is working on an updated Manuela design and this new clock will allow the user to select from a variety of top-view tubes. Jürgen has been working hard on the design and he ...
€ 135 - Kit / € 155 Assembled
Are you looking for the ultimate Christmas gift? I think this might be it :)
Buy It Here
Let’s say you’re NixieKits.eu. You build one of the nicest end view ...