Please Help! is working on an updated Manuela design and this new clock will allow the user to select from a variety of top-view tubes. Jürgen has been working hard on the design and he has a question for the community. One of the options is a set of six SIEMENS red coated nixie tubes. Alternatively, Jürgen can coat much cheaper IN-12 tubes and achieve a similar look. Which option do you prefer:
Option 1 - a SIEMENS factory-coated red tube with a correct #5 for 50 EUR
Option 2 - a red coated IN-15 for 15 EUR with an inverted #5
Tentative Price
The clock electronics (unassembled) will cost 110 EUR:
The enclosure will cost 25 EUR
The tubes will cost:
- A set of IN-12 tubes (clear): 10 EUR
- A set of IN-12 tubes (coloured, If someone like it): 15 EUR
- A set of ZM1100 tubes (AEG, clear): 30 EUR
- A set of ZM1100 tubes (TELEFUNKEN, orange coated): 30 EUR
- A set of ZM1180 tubes (SIEMENS, red coated): 50 EUR
And assembly (optional) will cost 25 EUR
Hi @ all,
the enclosures are arrived today so I'm ready now for delivery...
And the new frosted (not white) front cover looks awesome
As I've told Brian, the first ordered clock "kits" with AEG / TELEFUNKEN or SIEMENS tubes you get ready assembled and tested for free (this means a complete clock ready to go).
It's very easy: First clean all tubes with dipping into spiritus. This specially removes the "OTK" stamp.
Than fill your dipping laquer into a glass jar and dip every dried tube fully into the lacquer. Now keep them drying for around 30 mins.
As you have now also lacquered the socket - this gives a good isolation - now only the sockets needs a bath in brush cleaner to remove the lacquer from the socket pins.
The coating is absolutely durable...
but this is a big efford and only practical when lacquering a bigger batch of tubes - not only 6 pcs...
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