Good news, everyone!

Michael Barille and Carl Ott have been working hard on a six digit B7971 nixie clock and it looks like they will be selling it as a kit and fully assembled.  The kit will be slightly different than the one shown above - the rotary encoder will be mounted on the PCB and the software will get a slight tweaking.  Right now, the guys need to gauge your interest so please let them know if you want one!  Leave a message in this thread if you would buy one.



  • Unique Rotary Encoder User interface
  • Auto Display dimming feature via photo sensor
  • Adjustable DIM and Brightness levels with Adjustable Dimming 
  • QuickTime Set feature- quickly and easily set current time without 
entering config. mode
  • 9 Selectable FONTS
  • Clock spells out the Month and Day of the week, also displays date 
and year
  • Four user selectable colon modes- OFF, ON, BLINK, ALT, or RAILRD 
  • TCXO time based
  • Time On/Time Off sleep setting
  • Smooth Digit Cross Fade feature with fade rate adjust.
  • 12/24 hour display mode selection
  • Leading Zero Suppression selection
  • Adjustable Pulse width Modulation setting value.
  • Light Value Test Feature to determine optimal dimming point
  • CW/CCW Rotary encoder direction selection



#1 Guest 2011-02-27 23:16
I want one kit to build myself. Send me an email when ready!!!

#2 Brian Stuckey 2011-02-27 23:20
@Manuel - I'll update the post when they are for sale!
#3 Guest 2011-03-03 22:14
I'd like to know when these kits become available as well
#4 Guest 2011-09-20 23:31
I have 15 of the b-7971 that I bought surplus 35 years ago waiting to build a clock. I'd be interested in buying a kit without the tubes. Please let me know if you decide to sell it. Thanks
#5 jmvl 2012-09-24 15:19
I have 6 tubes waiting for this kit.
thanks for letting me know when it is available.
#6 tony concepcion 2012-12-30 06:41
i have 16 units of b-7971 tube waiting for the clock kits. please let me know when they are avaialable
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