Price:   159 €

By Jürgen Grau

Jürgen just sent in a new clock that he will soon be selling as a kit on his website.  It is an IV-12 based vacuum fluorescent tube clock with a clean looking sandwich style acrylic enclosure.  The kit will also include a power supply, lead forming tool and gloves.  The completed enclosure should be 196mm X 65mm X 23mm.


IV-12 VFD Clock

IV-12 VFD Clock

IV-12 VFD Clock

IV-12 VFD Clock

IV-12 VFD Clock

IV-12 VFD Clock

IV-12 VFD Clock







  • Fading digits with adjustable speed
  • Leading zero suppression
  • Scrolling date with adjustable speed and frequency
  • Two levels of brightness
  • Software adjustable correction of the crystal's deviation
  • Alarm with adjustable tone and snooze time
  • Soft flashing column LEDs with simulated VFD colors (RGB type LEDs)
  • Built in RGB controller for many lighting styles and millions of colors

P.S. Be sure to check out his IN-12 Nixie clock too.



UPDATES 8/1/2010:

  • Jürgen sent in some great photos and a video of the clock in action.

UPDATES: 8/8/201:

  • Jürgen sent in nearly-finished product shots.  The only difference between the photos and the final product will be the PCB color.  The finished design will be blue with white printing.


#1 Guest 2010-07-31 02:39
This is a neat looking clock. I like the acrylic tube plate. I would like to see nicer fasteners used...maybe SS Allen head sockets? Quality fasteners make a BIG difference I like this tube...really pretty and still cheap! Probably not for long though if it's use becomes popular.
+1 #2 Guest 2010-08-01 08:33
Hello Michael,
the fastening in the final version of the kit is made with flat allen head screws, of course. As I have taken these pictures from the very first prototype I had only such screws with a lenght of 12 mm on stock and when you have a total thickness of 22.5 mm of the enclosure you'll get problems when try to screw with 2 x 12 mm ;-)
#3 Brian Stuckey 2010-08-01 14:37
FYI - I added new photos and a video from Jürgen
+1 #4 Guest 2010-08-01 14:53
Very Nicely done!
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