I'm pretty sure that this is the largest nixie clock currently for sale. With 8 B7971 tubes, this thing is impressive. I'm working on a video review but in the meantime, here is a software demo. ...
Good news, everyone!
Michael Barille and Carl Ott have been working hard on a six digit B7971 nixie clock and it looks like they will be selling it as a kit and fully assembled. The kit will ...
Includes 4 each B7971 nixie tubes, a working tested "four letter clock" board, and a 12V wall wort power supply (120VAC) documentation for the tubes and the clock is ...
... It is a 4 digit B7971 clock that was home-made but it looks quite nice. Given that the tubes alone have gone for as high as $80/each recently, I can't imagine this clock selling for less that $350. I'v ...
Mr. Coggeshall has developed a driver that can power up to seven B7971 tubes and is primarily driven by a computer. One other feature that I have not seen elsewhere is that it establishes a serial connection ...
... many. Most people want large IN-18, B7971, etc., tubes and that leaves room for smaller clocks in the market. Additionally, the fact that these can sit on your desk and not be the center of attention can ...
... 4x B7971 tubes to display random for letter words. Of course, the draw to a device like this is that occasionally, one of the results would appeal to the prurient interests of a viewer. This was not ...
If you haven't been to Cogwheelcircuitworks.com in a while, go check it out. Bob is working on a revision to his driver board that will allow it to power led backlights as well. This modification will ...
... cool; the device is about the size of a large postage stamp and it provide more than enough power to run the 6x B7971’s.
The CPU is an ATMEGA 168-20AU and there is a programming connector on the top ...
... clock will support alphanumeric tubes (8x B7971’s) and this interface will be used to send commands, text, etc., to them. This also leave open the possibility that someone can write a nice GUI or interface ...
... acrylic top ** Assembly manual
$329 - PayPal only accepted. (B7971 TUBES NOT INCLUDED) $50 down payment required.
Assembler must be comfortable with SMD soldering! Add $75 for pre- assembled ...
... has both an IV-17 and B7971 version:
Kooltran (on etsy)
He occasionally has FLW machines for sale and apparently he has a new version in the works:
BadNixie.com has a new article up on "Modular" Nixie clock. All I have to say is that this thing is amazing. It is a direct drive, six digit B7971 nixie clock with little neon light colon indicators. ...
If you are looking to build a four letter word device, this the way to go. It was deigned by Peter Hand and it was created out of necessity when an infamous scammer refused to deliver the promised B7971 ...
Michael B. just completed a beautiful B7971 based clock and four-letter-word machine based on a design by Peter Hand. (Once I can find more information on Peter's kit, I will post it here for the rest ...
Josiah, the creator of the Coachella Lamp has also submitted two, very nice, B7971 GeekKloks. These are based off of the Zetalink** kit and known for both the enormous B7971 tubes as well as the...inventive...time ...
But what about increasingly rare tubes? For example, what about an IN-18 or B7971 or something that is steadily increasing in price (and presumably increasing in rarity?) It seems wasteful to not display ...