Okay, I've gotten my little hands on an IV-18 vfd clock from Turbo Mac.  I've done a review of his single digit nixie clock before and it set the bar high for my expectations from him.  This clock lives up to that.  Watch the review below for more information.  Also, be sure to check out his other items for sale on eBay - he has some cool gadgets.  If you're looking for a holiday gift, take a look here :)

Video Review:

{vimeo width="700" height="390"}16912900{/vimeo}

Clock Settings:

Press SET to enter the setting menu.
Use SELECT to choose 1-6. Press SET to enter.

1 - Date (format: MM.DD.YYYY)
Press UP/DOWN to change the current (blinking) digit.
Press SELECT to jump to next digit.
Press SET to confirm and quit.

2 - Time (format: HH-MM-SS)
Press UP/DOWN to change the current (blinking) digit.
Press SELECT to jump to next digit.
Press SET to confirm and quit.

3 - Alarm 1 (format:  HH-MM)
Press UP/DOWN to change the current (blinking) digit.
Press SELECT to jump to next digit.
Press SET to confirm and quit.
("24-00" will off this alarm.)

4 - Alarm 2 (format:  HH-MM)
Press UP/DOWN to change the current (blinking) digit.
Press SELECT to jump to next digit.
Press SET to confirm and quit.
("24-00" will off this alarm.)

5 - Alarm 3 (format:  HH-MM)
Press UP/DOWN to change the current (blinking) digit.
Press SELECT to jump to next digit.
Press SET to confirm and quit.
("24-00" will off this alarm.)

6 - Brightness (00: dimmest    07: brightest)
Press UP/DOWN to change the current (blinking) digit.


Optional Number Pad:




#1 Michail Wilson 2010-11-17 07:18
I like it as well. Was going to consider a clock of his, but I think there is a mistake. I just don't see $800 for a 4 digit clock, and just under 300 for a single digit clock. maybe typos in his auction?
#2 Guest 2010-12-04 05:14
Great insights! I will share this to my friends in facebook.
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