We've got our hands on a working pre-release version of the IV-12 VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny from NixieKits.eu.  As usual, full review coming shortly!


{vimeo width="700" height="390"}14562618{/vimeo}


VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny

VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny

VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny

VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny

VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny



#1 Guest 2010-09-02 02:54
This is probably the prettiest little VFD clock I have ever seen. Build quality and fit and finish look top notch! I intend to buy one as soon as they're available!
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