I just got my IV-17 Four Letter Word generator.  It has a dictionary of 5,400 words including common acronyms and a few proper nouns too.  For those of you keeping this at your office, it even has a word filter to prevent offensive words from being shown.  Be sure to check out the video and photos below.  Learn more here.

Operation is pretty simple.  There are two exposed buttons that are used to set the time.  The alphanumeric nature of the display makes this a much easier task than on a nixie clock.  There are also a few hidden settings internally.  Using a jumper, you can set the transitions between words, change the frequency that the time is displayed, and enable or disable the NSFW filter.

The kit comes pre-assembled and costs $120.  For the amount of engineering that went in to this, it is a pretty good deal.  Now go check out Pete's site.


{vimeo width="700" height="390"}14467539{/vimeo}

Four Letter Word VFD

Four Letter Word VFD

Four Letter Word VFD



#1 Guest 2010-09-16 12:38
I am interested in obtaining Pete Hands Four Letter word clock Kit. Who can I get one from and where and How?

Thanks, Don
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