I have been working with Alex from Ireland for a long time to make a range of unique retro Nixie clocks. At first he just bought a few clock kits, and then he started talking about some of his designs. It sounded interesting that he was spending his time going around industrial breaker's yards and picking up bits and pieces that no one else could see a use for, and using them to create something new. I had trouble imagining what he was doing, and didn't ask further. He had trouble with a few of the kits and we started to talk about what he was doing.
The out of the blue, he sent me some pictures of what we was building and I was amazed to see the irony and humour in the Post-Industrial work that he was doing. I was confused. What was a clock builder doing creating this sort of work? Creatures made from switch boxes and light housings? What was it all about?
Well, it turns out that Alex is in fact first and foremost a passionate artist, and works with objects that he finds as scrap to give them new life as something they were never intended to be. He's built a private zoo of post modern creatures, some of them vaguely disturbing, and some of them just plain funny.
He's still working on the clocks at this point, but you can see the level of workmanship and imagination that Alex uses, so I can't wait to see what he comes up with.
Here a few more of the many images that he sent me. Enjoy!
If you appreciate non-clock features, please leave a comment! I know that it is not really "on-topic", but I just had to share it with you!