Here is a great series of clocks by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from Germany.  Electronically, they are based off of Jürgen's designs but Heiko elaborated on the design and sells them directly via his eBay store.   Be sure to check out his different designs below; they all share a common feature set.


  • Selectable 12 or 24 hours format
  • Selectable leading zero suppression between 0:00 and 10:00
  • Selectable digit cross fading
  • Automatic date display with selectable display frequency
  • Scrolling date with adjustable speed
  • Automatic digit cycling with various effects and selectable frequency to prevent cathode poisoning
  • Adjustable standard display brightness
  • Dimmer control with start time and duration to save tube's life
  • Alarm with indicator, adjustable tone and snooze option
  • Adjustable correction of the clock's precision for a deviation of less seconds within a year (!) therefore no need to use an external timekeeping receiver
  • Background tubes lighting (can be switched off) on some clock models
  • 1F SuperCap power backup for timekeeping > 1h in the event of mains failure
  • Easy to set up with 3 + 1 push buttons



Nixie Clock

199 EUR

Nixie CLock Gracia: Type of tubes: LC513..Digits height: 15,5 mm..LED back light with fixed or slow changing color..Enclosure size: 170 x 90 x 58 mm..veneered walnut enclosure (can also made from oak or cherry) with brassiness decoration rings around the tubes and engraved type l

Nixie Clock

179 EUR

Nixie Clock Catalina: Type of tubes: IN-8..Digits height: 18mm..No LED back light and aluminum decoration rings around the tubes..Enclosure size: 200 x 63 x 25 mm..Di bond stainless steel optic with black Röhm Plexiglas top face

Nixie Clock

189 EUR

Nixie Clock Sharonna: Type of tubes: IN-8..Digits height: 18mm..No LED back light and brassiness decoration rings around the tubes..Enclosure size: 200 x 63 x 25 mm..veneered walnut enclosure (can also made from oak or cherry)

Nixie Clock

429 EUR

Nixie Clock Claire: Type of tubes: Z5660..Digits height: 30mm..Neon colon separators, no LED back light..Enclosure size: 240 x 75 x 25 mm..Di bond stainless steel optic with black Röhm Plexiglas top face


  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Ebay: The Seller
  • Ebay: The Auction
  • Website


#1 Guest 2010-12-29 16:31
guten tag ich bin im begriff eine uhr von ihnen zu kaufen und habe eine frage an sie wir haben mehrere tatoostudios in frankreich und sind daran interresiert ueber sie in dem gleichen design transformatoren zu kaufen um die technischen daten zu ersehen gebe ich ihnen eine marke genannt eikon die praktisch das standartgeraet der internationalen tatooscene ist wir sind davon ueberzeugt wenn es ihnen moeglich ist einen transformator in ihrem stil herzustellen wird es nicht an nachfrage mangeln in erwartung ihrer antwort verbleibe ich mit freundlichen gruessen ich schreibe fuer einen franzoesichen freund und ich werde ihm ihre antwort uebersetzen
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