... of total 12 mm for the parts height's
The top cover with 3 mm
More Information: http://www.tubeclockdb.com/vfd-clocks/167-manuela-iv-12.html
Official Site: http://nixiekits.eu/
This kit is provided by NixieKits.eu. Be sure to check out my full review here: http://www.tubeclockdb.com/vfd-clocks/190-review-nixiekitseu-iv-12.html Again, I want to give a big thanks to Jürgen ...
Price 159 €
Jürgen Grau, the inventor behind the IN-12 Nixie clock I reviewed a few weeks ago, has a new clock kit on the market. This one is based off of six discreet IV-12 type vacuum ...
We've got our hands on a working pre-release version of the IV-12VFD Uhrenbausatz / Clock Kit Jenny from NixieKits.eu. As usual, full review coming shortly!
Price: 159 €
By Jürgen Grau
Jürgen just sent in a new clock that he will soon be selling as a kit on his website. It is an IV-12 based vacuum fluorescent tube clock with a clean looking sandwich ...
... an evolved option of Jürgen’s previous designs. The backlighting has always been a separate menu for the Nixie Kit designs back to the IV-12 Jenny VFD clock. I don’t think there are technical reasons ...
Text Review:
If you’ve seen the reviews of the IN-12 of IV-12 clocks, this one will look similar. Let’s start out with the similarities between the clocks. The menu and underlying ...
... to do with this data, but I felt like sharing it.
nixie clock
iv-12 tubes
nixie watch
nixie power supply
ice tube clock
iv-12 vfd
scope clock
tube clock
nixie ...