One really cool aspect of this design is the fact that there is no microprocessor. This isn’t an Arduino project or a PIC based gadget. The thermometer portion is a 100% analog design.
Like most ...
The software itself is open source under the GPL license. The core of the clock is based on an Arduino bootloader and library.
As far as the description of the operation goes, I won't try to paraphrase ...
... clock. Check out his site and build log for more info. He has a few videos of the clock in action as well as photos of the internal workings. (Incidentally, he also makes a nice ArduinoNixie Shield ...
Are you looking for a great starter kit? Check out ogi lumen. The have an Arduino interface and interface kits for the IN-12a (similar to these) style Nixie tubes. They can be programed to do more than ...
... a "naked" (non-Arduino) ATMega 328P microcontroller. Four 74HC595s function as an I/O expanders to give me the needed 32 outputs from 3 GPIO pins. More about that in a minute. A gadget called a Wiz110SR ...
... surface temperature.
The ATmega is preloaded with an Arduino Leonardo bootloader – this allows programing the open source firmware using just a USB cable and the Arduino IDE. Also included are ICSP pads ...
... design is based on the ATmega328 and we developed on an arduino. He event was as far as writing all of the software himself including the clock/timekeeping arduino libraries that are available. As far ...
VFD displays are a pain in the neck to tinker with. LED and Numitrons can be powered directly from an Arduino with two wires. Nixie tubes just need 180v and two wires. VFD tubes - they are a little more ...
... one is an Arduino based kit designed to drive nixie displays. It appears that the user needs to bring their own power supply and Arudino - the board simply provides a safe interface between all of the ...