Welcome to part two of my video review experiment.  In this post, I will review the Nocrotec Numiclock x2000 Numitron Clock.  I actually purchased this clock without tubes and added 6x IEE DA 2000 numitron tubes to complete the clock.  Nocrotec sells the clock without tubes, with flat top tube and with rounded top tubes.  As of the time this post was published, all three were still for sale on their website.


Video URL: http://vimeo.com/12503648


#1 James Bailey 2012-08-08 07:38
Nice clock, wish it was still available, and good reviews, already bought a couple as a direct result of this website! Just wondering, there's an interesting green display under your monitor in this video, what is that?
#2 Brian Stuckey 2012-08-08 10:50
I think you're talking about a Think Geek Epoch Clock. I just searched their website for a link to it and they no longer seem to be selling it :-/ It's kind of neat - it can display the time in roman numerals, binary, etc. It is nearly impossible to quickly read and always confuses my guests.
#3 James Bailey 2012-08-08 12:43
Hah, thanks for that. Well if trawling eBay turns up nothing, then I'll have to content myself with the knowledge that any guest would just glance 90deg left or right in my house to find an easier way to tell the time, greatly reducing the duration of confusion.


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