By Jeff Thomas / Resonant Instruments LLC - (not in production)




A few days ago Jeff Thomas emailed me with some photographs of a Pong style watch he was working on. His modified an OLED photo key chain to display the time instead of small photos. Like the other Pong Watch, his displays the time as the score. In his words:

I tinkered with something similar a year ago, repurposing an OLED picture fob into a simple pong watch by directly pumping the display controller with an external PIC processor.

The program (PIC assembly) was forwarded to the OEM, with the hopes they’d release a new pong wristwatch as a variant on their picture fob using the internal MCU.

Those digital picture fobs are down to $5 now that the market is saturated with them, so I figured they would jump at the chance.
Unfortunately I never heard back from them.

Jeff Thomas / OLED Pong Watch #1



All photographs are owned by Jeff Thomas / used with permission here.

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